What We Believe

What is the Lutheran Church?

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) is a denomination that confesses the historic, orthodox Christian faith, a faith built on “the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone” (Eph. 2:20). The LCMS, headquartered in St. Louis, Mo., is mission-oriented and Bible-based. LCMS doctrine reflects the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther, as summarized in The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. To get the full more details, visit the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod website


As a member of the LCMS, Trinity is also a member of a smaller family of churches known as the Mid-South District. The Mid-South is an alliance of congregations and schools spanning 5 states (Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia). The Mid-South District provides leadership, resources, and encouragement for reaching the lost for Christ’s kingdom and equipping the found for service in our churches, communities, and in the world. To find out more information check out the Mid-South District's Website
